Ara xi mistoqsijiet u tweġibiet komuni hawn taħt
We are open for sessions Tuesday thru Friday from 10 AM to 6 PM EST. Saturday hours are from 10 AM to 8 PM. However, you can email or leave a message anytime. You will get a response in less than 24hrs. Please be patient as this is a small family-run business.
This is an online business. Sessions are held via video calls through Zoom or similar methods. Local customers to Norcross, GA can join a group meeting held by Zen Friends Travel as well. Requests for sessions in person such as hospitals or similar locations are also available per special request.
Iva. Dan huwa negozju legalizzat u huwa konformi. Id-dejta tiegħek tinżamm privata u protetta minn ksur tad-dejta billi tuża fornituri ta’ partijiet terzi siguri. Kwalunkwe informazzjoni żvelata waqt is-sessjonijiet hija wkoll kunfidenzjali skont il-liġi u l-moral. Il-fiduċja hija n-natura tan-negozju. Jekk ma tistax tafda magħna, m'hemm l-ebda negozju. Gwida spiritwali m'hi xejn li tieħu ħafif u aħna le.
Enchanted products are created for personal use as they are spellbound to a single user. Therefore, they cannot be returned. However, if your product arrives damaged, you can be refunded or issued a new one. Note: you will be required to submit photos of the package and damaged product.
The carrier oil is typically almond oil and/or olive oil with a dash of vitamin E. Then, the custom herbs, spices, and flowers are added according to the recipe along with authentic essential oils. The most common ingredients include roses, sage, cinnamon, cloves, lavender, patchouli, salts, and lemongrass.
Bħalissa naċċettaw il-karti ta' kreditu jew debitu ewlenin kollha. Aħna naċċettaw ukoll Paypal u Afterpay. Jekk għandek bżonn metodu ta 'ħlas speċjali rranġat bħal Cash App jew Apple Pay, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana għal kodiċi QR.
abcdefghijklmno - Tneħħix mill-mudell!!! huwa importanti li jiġu appoġġjati fonts differenti