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Aħna nipprovdu firxa ta 'servizzi spiritwali b'moħħok. Aħna nwiegħdu li nipprovdu kull servizz b'sinċerità, u għall-ogħla livell ta 'privatezza u rispett.

Hours of Operation (EST):

Il-Ħadd - 2:00 pm sa 8:00 pm

Monday - Closed

Tuesday - Closed

L-Erbgħa - 10:00 am sa 6:00 pm

Il-Ħamis - 10:00 am sa 6:00 pm

Friday - 10:00 am to 8:00 pm

Is-Sibt - 12:00 pm sa 8:00 pm

Feel free to send messages outside of service hours and you will be answered in a timely manner.

We are providing you a way to control your own schedule and orders with only a few clicks. Prepayment is required to hold a slot. Appointments are made 3 to 60 days in advance. Appointments are generally video (Zoom) based. Special requests or in-person services may be accepted upon conditions.

*Cancellation requests made within 72 hours of the appointment are subject to up to 50% of the service cost being retained, which will be considered a donation. The remainder of your prepayment will be refunded within 3 business days, along with a receipt. No  Shows forfeit 100% of the service cost, which will be considered a donation*

How it works

  • 1. Agħżel is-servizz tiegħek

    There are three ways to select your service of choice. You can click the "Book It" links in the descriptions below. There is also a green floater tab towards the bottom of the screen that takes you directly to the scheduler. Under the My Services header tab, you will find "My Client Portal," which is also a direct link to the scheduler.

  • Wara li tagħżel is-servizz mixtieq, tittieħed lejn l-għażliet tal-kalendarju, fejn tiddeċiedi dwar il-post. Għal servizzi remoti, tista' tagħżel minn Zoom, Google Meet, u telefonata. Għas-servizzi personalment, inti tiddeċiedi fuq post fi vjaġġ ta' 30 minuta minn Peachtree Corners, GA.

  • Iddeskrivi l-oġġett jew wieġeb il-mistoqsija sabiex il-viżitaturi tas-sit li huma interessati jiksbu aktar informazzjoni. Tista' tenfasizza dan it-test b'balal, korsiv jew grassa, u żżid links.
  • Iddeskrivi l-oġġett jew wieġeb il-mistoqsija sabiex il-viżitaturi tas-sit li huma interessati jiksbu aktar informazzjoni. Tista' tenfasizza dan it-test b'balal, korsiv jew grassa, u żżid links.
  • Iddeskrivi l-oġġett jew wieġeb il-mistoqsija sabiex il-viżitaturi tas-sit li huma interessati jiksbu aktar informazzjoni. Tista' tenfasizza dan it-test b'balal, korsiv jew grassa, u żżid links.

Servizzi ta' Divinazzjoni

List of Services

Servizzi ta' Fejqan

List of Services

Servizzi ta' Konduit

List of Services

Interessat fis-servizzi tagħna? Aħna qegħdin hawn biex ngħinu!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 


Ħallilna l-informazzjoni tiegħek u aħna nerġgħu lura lilek.


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