새 단락
We provide a range of spiritual services with you in mind. We promise to provide every service with sincerity, and to the highest level of privacy and respect.
일요일 - 오후 2시 - 오후 8시
월요일 - 휴무
화요일 - 휴무
수요일 – 오전 10시 – 오후 6시
목요일 - 오전 10시 ~ 오후 6시
금요일 - 오전 10시 ~ 오후 8시
토요일 - 오후 12시 - 오후 8시
Feel free to send messages outside of service hours and you will be answered in a timely manner.
단 몇 번의 클릭만으로 자신의 일정과 주문을 제어할 수 있는 방법을 제공하고 있습니다. 슬롯을 확보하려면 선불이 필요합니다. 예약은 3~60일 전에 이루어집니다. 약속은 일반적으로 비디오(줌) 기반입니다. 조건에 따라 특별 요청이나 직접 서비스가 허용될 수 있습니다.
*Cancellation requests made within 72 hours of the appointment are subject to up to 50% of the service cost being retained, which will be considered a donation. The remainder of your prepayment will be refunded within 3 business days, along with a receipt. No Shows forfeit 100% of the service cost, which will be considered a donation*
원하는 서비스를 선택하는 방법에는 세 가지가 있습니다. 아래 설명에서 "예약하기" 링크를 클릭하실 수 있습니다. 화면 하단에는 스케줄러로 바로 이동하는 녹색 플로터 탭도 있습니다. 내 서비스 헤더 탭 아래에는 스케줄러에 대한 직접 링크이기도 한 "내 클라이언트 포털"이 있습니다.
원하는 서비스를 선택한 후 달력 옵션으로 이동하여 위치를 결정하게 됩니다. 원격 서비스의 경우 Zoom, Google Meet, 전화 통화 중에서 선택할 수 있습니다. 직접 방문 서비스의 경우 조지아주 피치트리 코너스에서 통근 시간 30분 이내의 위치를 선택하세요.
This is a non-ceremonial intuitive reading guided by a tarot/oracle card spread. Three pendulum questions. (30mins)
Spiritual guidance involves seeking advice, support, and direction from a spiritual or religious mentor, teacher, or counselor. It explores and deepens one's spiritual beliefs, practices, and experiences. Spiritual guidance can be helpful in various areas of life, including personal growth, relationships, career, and health. It can involve meditation, prayer, and ritual practices and may draw on the wisdom of various spiritual traditions and disciplines.
The goal of spiritual guidance is to help individuals connect with their inner wisdom, find meaning and purpose in life, and develop a deeper sense of connection with the divine or higher power. Spiritual guidance can be a transformative and empowering experience, leading to greater self-awareness, compassion, and inner peace. (1hr)
Location is a form of pendulum dowsing service, which uses a weighted object that swings back and forth on a string or chain. The pendulum is held over a specific object or location, and the way it swings is believed to provide information or answers to questions.
Many people use pendulum dowsing as a form of divination to gain insight into their lives or to seek guidance and clarity. Others may use pendulum dowsing to locate objects, such as lost items, or to identify areas of the body that need healing. (1hr)
Dream analysis is a therapeutic technique exploring the meanings and symbolism behind a person's dreams. It is based on the idea that dreams can reveal unconscious thoughts, emotions, and desires and that understanding these can help individuals gain insight into their own psychological issues.
We may ask clients to describe their dreams in detail and then work with them to interpret the symbols and themes that appear. This can involve exploring the client's associations with the symbols and drawing on established theories of dream interpretation. Dream analysis can be used as a tool for addressing a variety of shadow areas, including anxiety, depression, and trauma. (1hr)
During this appointment, you will be scanned with three astral lenses. First, your physical body will be evaluated for any major health issues that may need to be referred to physician. Next, your chakra system will be flushed to determine if there are any blocks or circulation issues. Finally, you light body will be evaluated to determine if there are areas that need to be addressed such as an entity attachment or implant. The session concludes with a summary and guidance based on the findings.
This is the perfect combo for those wanting a mini-session in each category. We spend the first 15 mins connecting for an energetic analysis; the next 30 minutes include spiritual guidance and basic reading. The last 15 mins are used to clear or adjust small blocks and imbalances.
During this appointment, you will be scanned with three astral lenses. First, your physical body will be evaluated for any major health issues that need to be referred to a physician. Next, your chakra system will be flushed to determine if there are any blocks or circulation issues. Finally, your light body will be evaluated to determine if areas need to be addressed, such as an entity attachment or implant. (1hr)
A guided Shamanic-style ceremonial, light language healing, and chakra therapy. It can also be used for cord cutting, restorations, wards, gateway clearances, and activations. (1hr)
A guided Shamanic-style ceremonial, light language healing, and chakra therapy. It can also be used for cord cutting, restorations, wards, gateway clearances, and activations. (1hr)
Note: Locations that take longer than a 30-minute commute will require additional fees due to interfering with other time slots.
우리는 완벽한 솔루션을 제공할 수 있도록 귀하의 요구 사항을 정확히 알고 싶습니다. 원하는 것이 무엇인지 알려주시면 최선을 다해 도와드리겠습니다.
abcdefghijklmno - 템플릿에서 제거하지 마세요!!! 다양한 글꼴을 지원하는 것이 중요합니다