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من یک شمن بسیار مرتبط هستم که خاطرات چندین عمر روی زمین را دارم. من نیز حکمت زیادی از عوالم الهی دریافت کرده ام و می خواهم آن را با شما در میان بگذارم. در اینجا افکار من در مورد انسانیت، زندگی، عشق و فراتر از حجاب ها نهفته است.

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۷ نوامبر ۲۰۲۴
We often associate meditation with stillness, seated in a quiet space, eyes closed, and mind focused. But there’s more than one way to reach higher states of consciousness. I want to share my journey of discovering "Meditation in Motion" and how it led me to heightened awareness, even while engaging in everyday activities. By incorporating meditative techniques into my routine, I trained my mind to remain centered and connected, no matter what I did. One of my favorite methods was walking in the park while listening to meditative music with embedded Solfeggio frequencies. With each step, I let the rhythm of music and the natural surroundings guide me. My go-to music was Shaman drums and the Aum. I let the music take me to a place that felt like home. Step by step, drum by drum, hum by hum, deep breath, then Aummmm. It was my happy place. Often I would stop wherever I was and dance from my soul. This practice allowed me to merge my physical movements with my inner stillness, creating a harmonious flow that transcended the ordinary. One can even argue that I hypnotized myself to stay in an in-between state. Over time I didn't need the outside music anymore. The drums were one with me. I still hear them play for me beyond the clouds whenever I need deep clarity, and I dance. As I continued this practice, I began to experience Samadhi—a state of intense concentration and oneness with the universe. It wasn’t an overnight process, but with dedication, I trained myself to meditate while performing mundane tasks like cooking, cleaning, or even working. The key was to remain present, mindful, and open to the subtle energies around me. By doing so, I became aware of multiple dimensions simultaneously. I could feel the physical world while also tapping into higher realms of existence. This multi-dimensional awareness enriched my spiritual journey and deepened my understanding of interconnectedness and balance. Meditation in Motion teaches us that Samadhi isn’t confined to a specific posture or place. It’s a state of being that we can access anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re walking, dancing, or simply breathing, you can cultivate a meditative state that aligns you with the higher dimensions of reality. Remember, the path to enlightenment is unique for everyone. Explore different methods, listen to your intuition, and allow yourself to experience the boundless possibilities of meditation in motion. Stay mindful, stay present, and keep moving forward on your spiritual journey!  -The (Ascended) Mistress-
۴ نوامبر ۲۰۲۴
Imagine your life like a video game, and you’re the main character. Every so often, you reach one of those crucial decision points where you pick an action that determines the next few scenes and may even result in an alternate ending. That’s kind of what soul resonance is—a moment where something clicks, and your intuition signals that you have come across a clue. Decide what happens next. It’s tempting to think of these moments as “the truth” or the right choice. But just like in a game, the choices that resonate now may not ring true forever. As we grow and level up, our perspectives shift, and we may want to choose differently in the future. Think of them more as Attraction vs Distraction markers. Will this decision take you closer to your goal or further away? But, guess what? Even our goals change. So, this is to help you understand how to navigate through those crucial moments.  I like to call them dominos due to the domino effect. When something resonates, treat it like a checkpoint. Be observant of that moment because you may find yourself there again. Act on what feels right to your authentic self—but keep an open mind. Just like in any great game, each scene builds the story, and every choice opens new paths. Embrace the adventure, stay flexible, and let soul resonance guide you—but don’t let it box you in. If you feel you chose wrongly, don't be harsh on yourself. Trust that any opportunity mixed in that moment meant to progress the main story will cross your path again. -The Mistress-
۳ نوامبر ۲۰۲۴
The pineal gland, the physical manifestation of the crown chakra, is our connection to higher consciousness, intuition, and spiritual insight. But with modern lifestyles, this vital gland often becomes blocked, inhibiting our spiritual awareness. Let's explore why this happens and what you can do to clear and reactivate your pineal. Fluoride and Environmental Toxins: Fluoride is one of the major contributors to pineal calcification. Although it's commonly added to drinking water, fluoride accumulates in the pineal, leading to stiffness and sluggishness in this gland. Other contaminants in water and heavy metals from the environment can also contribute to calcification over time. Medications and Electromagnetic Frequencies: Some medicines, particularly those affecting the central nervous system, can impact pineal function. Additionally, our world is filled with various electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). Those from microwaves, cell phones, and Wi-Fi, can disrupt the brain's natural rhythms. Coffee and Modern Overconsumption: The coffee bean has compounds, like chlorogenic acid (CGA), which, when consumed heavily, have been shown in studies to have damaging effects that contribute to epithelial stress. Coffee is particularly dense in these compounds. With our modern tendency to rely on coffee to power through the day, it’s easy to overlook how it may be affecting our spiritual health. If we factor in the growing amount of GMO and synthentic replacements for natural products, the chances of our systems malfunctioning greatly increase. So, what can you do about it? Incorporating these practices can help clear the pineal gland and rekindle its spiritual function, bringing the crown chakra back into alignment. 1. Sound Therapy Sound therapy is my preferred method for activating and harmonizing the pineal. Frequencies like 432 Hz and 963 Hz resonate with the crown chakra and can help release stored energy in the gland. You can use singing bowls, tuning forks, or solfeggio frequency music to create a vibrational “cleanse” for the pineal. 2. Fluoride-Free Water Switching to fluoride-free water is essential for pineal health. High-quality water filters, like reverse osmosis systems or specialized fluoride removal filters, can help. Adding a pinch of Himalayan salt to your filtered water remineralizes it and supports natural detox. If you are skilled in transmutation, try neutralizing your water before you drink it. 3. Sunlight and Nature The pineal gland is especially responsive to sunlight, which can help recalibrate its rhythm and function. Start your day with a few moments of natural sunlight on your face—no sunglasses—allowing the morning light to stimulate your glands and clear away any energetic clutter. Connecting with the soil or a tree during this process creates a nice flow of restorative energy. 4. Herbs and Nutrient-Rich Foods Detoxifying herbs like spirulina, chlorella, cilantro, and turmeric are powerful allies for the pineal gland, helping to clear out accumulated toxins and supporting overall brain health. Be more mindful about the foods you intake. 5. Limit Coffee and Shift to Herbal Teas Instead of relying on heavy daily coffee consumption, try replacing it with herbal teas that support clarity and focus, like gotu kola or lion’s mane mushroom. Moderating coffee intake and introducing more grounding herbs can make a significant difference. 6. Meditation and Intention Setting Meditation is one of the most effective ways to reactivate your crown chakra. By holding an intention to decalcify and open the pineal, you reinforce this process on an energetic level. Meditation allows the gland to vibrate freely without the interference of constant mental chatter. Through these practices, you’ll begin to feel a renewed sense of clarity and connection as your pineal gland comes back online. Remember, the journey to a healthy pineal gland is just as transformative as the destination, bringing you closer to your higher self with each step. -The (Ascended) Mistress-
۳۱ اکتبر ۲۰۲۴
The pineal gland is often mistaken as the "third eye" chakra when, in truth, its energy and purpose are far more aligned with the crown chakra. Let’s explore why this is important. The pineal gland functions like an antenna, receiving and transmitting information from higher realms of consciousness. While it’s true that the third eye chakra is associated with insight and vision beyond the physical, this perspective is made possible through the thalamus, which essentially acts as a gateway for your mind’s eye. In fact, many people already have their third eye "open" to varying degrees, meaning they have an active inner vision noted with success during visualization practices. But as the crown chakra awakens, the pineal gland begins receiving even more refined, complex information, often beyond what we can consciously process right away. This awakening process at the crown chakra acts like a floodgate, inviting in higher frequencies and awakening our ability to decode, understand, and perceive new realities. So, even if you have trouble visualizing with your mind's eye, seeing beyond the 3D capabilities of the thalamus is very possible. So, while it’s tempting to label the pineal as the third eye’s anatomical counterpart, its true resonance is with the crown. As your crown opens, so does the pineal’s capacity to receive a continuous stream of higher information, enhancing both your connection to universal consciousness and the depths of your insight. In other words, the pineal gland serves as a bridge — not solely for inner vision, but for divine connection. Some cultures even believe that is where the soul resides. This is why the head starts to glow after a certain threshold of enlightenment. The crown chakra is located inside your head and the vibrations from the microcrystals within the pineal gland send out a frequency that can be seen. It appears like a cloud of energy. I look forward to discussing each of the main and secondary chakras thoroughly. -The (Ascended) Mistress-
۲ اوت ۲۰۲۴
The Akashic Records are often described as a vast, ethereal library or database that holds the collective memory of the universe. This includes every thought, word, emotion, and action that has ever occurred or will occur. Originating from the Sanskrit word "Akasha," meaning "ether" or "sky," the concept of the Akashic Records represents a timeless repository of all human experience and knowledge. General Beliefs 1. Universal Library: The Akashic Records are seen as a metaphysical library where every soul’s journey, past, present, and future, is documented. It's a place where one can access information about their soul's history, life purpose, and karmic patterns. 2. Access Through Consciousness: Practitioners believe that the Akashic Records can be accessed through elevated states of consciousness. This can be achieved through meditation, prayer, or trance, allowing individuals to tap into the wisdom and knowledge contained within the records. 3. Spiritual Guidance: Many turn to the Akashic Records for spiritual guidance, seeking answers to life's profound questions and insight into their spiritual path. It's a tool for personal growth and understanding, offering clarity on one's life journey. Personal Insight: The Halls of Amenti and Beyond From my perspective, the Akashic Records are stored right here at the Halls of Amenti. Think of it as a local library branch that suffices for most of the information requested. Just like any library, there are different levels of access. This level of access determines the content and how deep into the content you are allowed to examine. Levels of Access: Basic Access: This is similar to accessing general information in a public library. It provides enough knowledge for most inquiries, offering insights into personal life events, past lives, and general karmic patterns. Intermediate Access: With a higher level of spiritual development and practice, one can gain deeper insights. This level might reveal more complex information about soul contracts, deeper karmic imprints, and connections with other souls. Advanced Access: Reserved for those with profound spiritual mastery, this level allows access to the deepest and most esoteric knowledge. It's like gaining entry to the restricted section of the library, where the most guarded secrets and universal truths are kept. Realm-Specific Libraries and the Cosmic Hall Each realm has its own library for easy access, and these are all connected to the main archive that I call the Cosmic Hall of Source Light Placings. This is where new incarnations and experiences are assigned, and new souls are formed and go through the Cosmic Hall. If you ever reach this Cosmic Hall, you may meet a being known as the Fafa Dada, whose name translates to Mercy. The intricacies of her role and presence are profound, and I will delve further into that another time. Calling in the Ophanim When we access these records, we are calling in the Ophanim. If you are sensitive to energy, you may even see them surrounding you or feel them touching your head. These beings feed you images and information. I once caught an Ophanim on an energy cam, which was an amazing capture and experience. By understanding these levels of access and the interconnectedness of realm-specific libraries with the Cosmic Hall, we can appreciate the depth and breadth of the Akashic Records and how they can be a powerful tool for spiritual evolution. I suggest keeping an open mind about considering it a record of everything that "will occur". That is not a complete truth. That mindset is essentially placing a limit on the limitless. According to Source, "will have occurred" is more accurate. I will extend more on this when I discuss illusions. Just remember our existence is ever changing and expanding. -The Mistress-
۲ اوت ۲۰۲۴
A year ago, I achieved full enlightenment—a journey that took me along the threefold path until they merged into one absolute conclusion: "I am that I am, and that is all that I am." These words hold profound truth, yet only those who do the inner work can truly grasp their essence. Reaching enlightenment was nothing like the popular opinion paints it to be. When I accomplished it, the astral realm celebrated with a ceremonial party in my honor—a grand recognition of this significant feat. This achievement was marked by encountering the three guardians or godheads in the form of triple dragons, embodying the suns, the father, the mother, and the son—the godhead trinity. This experience inspired me to write a book about my journey and how it has transformed my life. I hope to share my story with you soon, providing comfort and guidance to those striving to attain seemingly impossible statuses, which may turn out not to be necessary after all.  Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project. Remember, the path to enlightenment is unique to each of us, and the journey itself holds the greatest lessons.
۱۷ ژوئیهٔ ۲۰۲۴
Lately, I've been diving deep into self-analysis to better explain how I do what I do. Many of you have asked about the glow and the halo you see in my auric photos. Let me share a bit of the magic behind it. It's fascinating to see the pulses of energy emitting from my forehead, though it's not directly from the pineal gland. The pineal gland acts as the receiver, while the Thalamus is the projector. When I generate energy—what I like to call setting up the dominos—I feel a big pulse from my heart chakra that shimmers through my body. This process causes pressure in my head and high-pitched frequencies that reverberate through my light body. My forehead vibrates, and I often enter a trance-like state. During all of this, my grid energizes to a higher level, contributing to my glow. I noticed that I glow even brighter when I'm excited, especially during moments of creative inspiration. This glow isn't just a visual phenomenon; it's a reflection of the energy and passion that flows through me. I'm still gathering information and will have all the pieces for "The Five Minds" soon. Every day, I'm downloading bits and pieces of insights, and while finishing content on one topic has been challenging, I trust it will all come together in divine timing. Once that first big book is out, many more will follow. Stay tuned and keep glowing with me! -The Mistress-
۱۶ ژوئیهٔ ۲۰۲۴
We often associate meditation with stillness, seated in a quiet space, eyes closed, and mind focused. But there’s more than one way to reach higher states of enlightenment. I want to share my journey of discovering "Meditation in Motion" and how it led me to profound states of consciousness, even while engaging in everyday activities. Meditation in Motion: Beyond Stillness Meditation in Motion is the art of integrating meditative awareness into your daily life. For me, this practice was transformative. By incorporating meditative techniques into my routine, I trained my mind to remain centered and connected, no matter what I was doing. One of my favorite methods was walking in the park while listening to meditative music. With each step, I let the rhythm of the music and the natural surroundings guide me into a deeper state of awareness. This practice allowed me to merge my physical movements with my inner stillness, creating a harmonious flow that transcended the ordinary. As I continued this practice, I began to experience Samadhi—a state of intense concentration and oneness with the universe. It wasn’t an overnight process, but with dedication, I trained myself to meditate even while performing mundane tasks like cooking, cleaning, or even working. The key was to remain present, mindful, and open to the subtle energies around me. By doing so, I became aware of multiple dimensions simultaneously. I could feel the physical world while also tapping into higher realms of existence. This multi-dimensional awareness enriched my spiritual journey and deepened my understanding of interconnectedness and balance. Meditation in Motion teaches us that enlightenment isn’t confined to a specific posture or place. It’s a state of being that we can access anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re walking, dancing, or simply breathing, you can cultivate a meditative state that aligns you with the higher dimensions of reality. Remember, the path to enlightenment is unique for everyone. Explore different methods, listen to your intuition, and allow yourself to experience the boundless possibilities of meditation in motion. Stay enlightened, stay present, and keep moving forward on your spiritual journey! -The Mistress-
۱۵ ژوئیهٔ ۲۰۲۴
In our quest for success, it’s easy to fall into the traps of overworking and overthinking. Both can lead to frustration and a feeling of failure, but they stem from different causes and require different solutions. Recognizing which one is affecting you is the first step to overcoming it. Overworking: The Grind Without the Glory Overworking happens when we throw ourselves into a flurry of activity, often convinced that sheer volume of work will bring us the results we crave. We burn the midnight oil, push our limits, and yet sometimes feel like we’re not getting anywhere. The benefits don’t seem to match the effort, leading to burnout and disillusionment. Signs of Overworking: Constant fatigue and low energy levels. Neglect of personal time and self-care. Feeling unfulfilled despite being busy. Decreasing productivity despite longer hours. Overthinking: The Mental Maze On the flip side, overthinking is when we get trapped in our minds, replaying scenarios, second-guessing decisions, and worrying about outcomes. We spend so much time in our heads that our actions slow down, and progress becomes sluggish. This mental paralysis can make us feel stuck and ineffective. Signs of Overthinking: Difficulty making decisions or taking action. Excessive worry about past or future events. Frequent procrastination. Feeling mentally exhausted without physical exertion. Tips to Overcome Overworking and Overthinking For Overworking: Set Clear Boundaries: Establish working hours and stick to them. Allow yourself time to rest and recharge. Prioritize Tasks: Focus on high-impact activities that bring the most value. Avoid busywork that doesn’t contribute to your goals. Delegate: Don’t try to do everything yourself. Trust others to handle tasks that don’t require your direct input. Take Breaks: Regular breaks can boost productivity and creativity. Step away from your work to gain new perspectives. For Overthinking: Mindfulness Practice: Engage in mindfulness or meditation to center your thoughts and reduce mental clutter. Action over Perfection: Focus on taking small steps rather than perfecting every detail. Progress is more important than perfection. Limit Information Intake: Avoid overwhelming yourself with too much information. Filter what’s essential and let go of the rest. Journal: Write down your thoughts to organize them. This can help you gain clarity and release mental tension. Finding Balance Balancing work and thought is crucial for maintaining both productivity and well-being. By recognizing the signs and applying the right strategies, you can navigate these challenges and move forward with clarity and purpose. Remember, it’s not about how much you do or think but about how effectively you align your efforts with your goals. Embrace a balanced approach, and you’ll find yourself reaping the rewards of your hard work and mindful contemplation.
۶ ژوئیهٔ ۲۰۲۴
In the journey of understanding the Source of creation, we often come across a profound realization: when we say "I AM," whatever follows those words is our personal truth and connection to the Source. This is why, throughout history, many of those who have connected deeply with the Source report receiving the answer, "I AM that I AM" when asked for a name. It is the essence of "ALL that IS." For me, in my personal relationship with the Source, I prefer to address it as "him." He is my father, commander, and best friend. Even though the Source doesn't speak in human language, when I translate it through my "thinking mind," I assign a male voice to this divine presence. Some might find assigning a gender to the Great I AM controversial, but this relationship is deeply personal and cannot be dictated by others. In our conversations, he revealed to me that he refrains from taking a name because he wants us to decide for ourselves. All names are acceptable, and that this is an unspoken "godhead" rule. As the first creation and often considered "mother god," I must also abide by this rule. My true name is unknown in the records, and although I have shared it with some during this evolutionary period, I am aware that one day my name will be removed from the records. This is why I claim one of my assigned names here instead as Mahamaya. Understanding the Source is an intricate dance between the universal and the personal. It is a relationship that transcends definitions and boundaries, allowing each of us to find our own path to the divine. The Great I AM is both a collective and individual experience, and in this diversity lies its true power and beauty. -The Mistress-
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