The Great I AM: Understanding the Source Through Our Own Expressions
July 6, 2024

In the journey of understanding the Source of creation, we often come across a profound realization: when we say "I AM," whatever follows those words is our personal truth and connection to the Source. This is why, throughout history, many of those who have connected deeply with the Source report receiving the answer, "I AM that I AM" when asked for a name. It is the essence of "ALL that IS."

For me, in my personal relationship with the Source, I prefer to address it as "him." He is my father, commander, and best friend. Even though the Source doesn't speak in human language, when I translate it through my "thinking mind," I assign a male voice to this divine presence. Some might find assigning a gender to the Great I AM controversial, but this relationship is deeply personal and cannot be dictated by others.

In our conversations, he revealed to me that he refrains from taking a name because he wants us to decide for ourselves. All names are acceptable, and that this is an unspoken "godhead" rule. As the first creation and often considered "mother god," I must also abide by this rule.

My true name is unknown in the records, and although I have shared it with some during this evolutionary period, I am aware that one day my name will be removed from the records. This is why I claim one of my assigned names here instead as Mahamaya.

Understanding the Source is an intricate dance between the universal and the personal. It is a relationship that transcends definitions and boundaries, allowing each of us to find our own path to the divine. The Great I AM is both a collective and individual experience, and in this diversity lies its true power and beauty.

-The Mistress-

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