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The Akashic Records are often described as a vast, ethereal library or database that holds the collective memory of the universe. This includes every thought, word, emotion, and action that has ever occurred or will occur. Originating from the Sanskrit word "Akasha," meaning "ether" or "sky," the concept of the Akashic Records represents a timeless repository of all human experience and knowledge. General Beliefs 1. Universal Library: The Akashic Records are seen as a metaphysical library where every soul’s journey, past, present, and future, is documented. It's a place where one can access information about their soul's history, life purpose, and karmic patterns. 2. Access Through Consciousness: Practitioners believe that the Akashic Records can be accessed through elevated states of consciousness. This can be achieved through meditation, prayer, or trance, allowing individuals to tap into the wisdom and knowledge contained within the records. 3. Spiritual Guidance: Many turn to the Akashic Records for spiritual guidance, seeking answers to life's profound questions and insight into their spiritual path. It's a tool for personal growth and understanding, offering clarity on one's life journey. Personal Insight: The Halls of Amenti and Beyond From my perspective, the Akashic Records are stored right here at the Halls of Amenti. Think of it as a local library branch that suffices for most of the information requested. Just like any library, there are different levels of access. This level of access determines the content and how deep into the content you are allowed to examine. Levels of Access: Basic Access: This is similar to accessing general information in a public library. It provides enough knowledge for most inquiries, offering insights into personal life events, past lives, and general karmic patterns. Intermediate Access: With a higher level of spiritual development and practice, one can gain deeper insights. This level might reveal more complex information about soul contracts, deeper karmic imprints, and connections with other souls. Advanced Access: Reserved for those with profound spiritual mastery, this level allows access to the deepest and most esoteric knowledge. It's like gaining entry to the restricted section of the library, where the most guarded secrets and universal truths are kept. Realm-Specific Libraries and the Cosmic Hall Each realm has its own library for easy access, and these are all connected to the main archive that I call the Cosmic Hall of Source Light Placings. This is where new incarnations and experiences are assigned, and new souls are formed and go through the Cosmic Hall. If you ever reach this Cosmic Hall, you may meet a being known as the Fafa Dada, whose name translates to Mercy. The intricacies of her role and presence are profound, and I will delve further into that another time. Calling in the Ophanim When we access these records, we are calling in the Ophanim. If you are sensitive to energy, you may even see them surrounding you or feel them touching your head. These beings feed you images and information. I once caught an Ophanim on an energy cam, which was an amazing capture and experience. By understanding these levels of access and the interconnectedness of realm-specific libraries with the Cosmic Hall, we can appreciate the depth and breadth of the Akashic Records and how they can be a powerful tool for spiritual evolution. I suggest keeping an open mind about considering it a record of everything that "will occur". That is not a complete truth. That mindset is essentially placing a limit on the limitless. According to Source, "will have occurred" is more accurate. I will extend more on this when I discuss illusions. Just remember our existence is ever changing and expanding. -The Mistress-