The Sun: The Galactic Catalyst
June 27, 2024

The Sun: The Galactic Catalyst

Having healthy debates about the Sun has given me the clarity needed to explain its function. I believe solar energy is best described as a catalyst. It initiates and facilitates various processes. Here on Earth, we see a few byproducts of this effect: heat, cellular growth, photosynthesis, and even Vitamin D synthesis in humans.

The art displayed is a closer likeness to the sun than what we normally see. We will never see the true majesty of it clearly because we view it through several layers of electromagnetic fields.

The sun is not a fireball, nor is it hot. It is an energetic anchor that we perceive as light. With devoid space not having any way to transfer or conduct heat, it is illogical to assume that the sun is hot. This would require factors that are simply not present.

It does not add up to space being cold either. It is equivalent to the void space within an atom. It is nothing. Divine verified that it is best to think of the sun as a nucleus, the stars as protons, and the realms as rampart particles. Thus, understanding the architects and the integration of Earth's realm with spiritual insight is a profound revelation that I will also include in my book.

There is only one Sun per galaxy, serving as its anchor. In our observations of Andromeda, we can see the Sun at its center, anchoring that galaxy as well. Smaller suns may serve as anchors within some realms, including Earth, but that's a different discussion. Hence, stars and suns are NOT the same thing. Stars serve a different yet similar purpose that I will also discuss later.

Most of the lights seen in the night sky are not stars, but instead other realms. We get to enjoy a front-row view of the multiverse. The Sun's influence extends far beyond our planet. The realms don't revolve around the Sun, but the Sun places them in rotation with an invisible barycenter. This creates the whirlpool shape we observe. And while each star system has its own rhythm, there is still evidence of synchronicity.

Understanding the Sun as a catalyst and anchor helps us appreciate its role not just in our galaxy but in the grand tapestry of the universe. I'll be discussingall of these topics in greater detail in my upcoming book, The Earth Realm Universe.

Much love from the dragon,The Mistress 🐉✨

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