Saimniece Domonika Pauela


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Greetings, seekers of enlightenment and personal growth. I am Mistress Domonique Powell, also known as Mahamaya, the cosmic creator who bridges the spiritual realms with the earthly plane. As a Shaman and holistic healer, I bring forth a unique blend of wisdom, alternative medicine, and alchemical transformations to guide you on your journey to balance and awakening.

At Spirinketz, I introduce you to the revolutionary systole therapy, a method I founded to harmonize the sacred structure of the human grid with the cosmic grid, facilitating profound healing and transformation. My work is deeply rooted in the ancestral links of dragons and suns, honoring the powerful energies they represent.

My mission is to support you in your quest for spiritual clarity and holistic well-being, helping you navigate the waves of change with grace and empowerment. Join me at Spirinketz, where ancient wisdom meets modern alchemy, and together we will usher in a new era of conscious evolution. Embrace the journey, and let’s co-create a transformative path towards a brighter, balanced future.


"Esmu izmēģinājis citas eļļas, bet šī noteikti ir labākā. Tas visu, ko es daru, paceļ jaunā līmenī.

Dženeta Rodžersa

“Kosmiskās rītausmas eļļa man atvēra deguna blakusdobumus! Tas ir vienkāršākais produkts, ko jebkad esmu lietojis. Un tas smaržo brīnišķīgi piparmētru”

Dana Rozenburga

“Es nekad neesmu atradis produktu, kas man tik ļoti patika. Šis ir mans trešais pasūtījums”

Regīna Ķieģelis

“Apkalpošana ir draudzīga, un rādījumi vienmēr ir aktuāli! Ļoti apdāvināts ceļvedis. Esmu pārliecināts, ka būšu atkārtots klients.

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